Saturday, 4 June 2016

Just vote

And if you’re not careful they’ll throw bricks through your windows.
Goes to show, you who think you’re in the know, don’t know
anything at all, you could be working on a market stall
touting your tatty wares.
We don’t care that you’re there or
What you try to do.
We’ll just expose you to our horrible disingenuous spite
should you fight, strike, allow the like
of the right and his ilk to steal money and
milk and spin cotton into silk for
the rich while they privatise and monetise and fantasise about
an island without poor and shut the front door to refugees and those that can’t help it.
Helpless people, we’re all sheep and we’re just keeping this going.
Let down the shutters, earwig on those mutters of insidious hatred,
We have waited too long and bated our breath under duress
and at the behest of our nation and some say our creation but just pure procrastination
we let it happen. We obey.
Lefty they say, lefty they shout, get them all out,
It’s a drought of humour and humanity and what is left of depravity is
In the US waving placards and flags, “We hate fags”.
In the schools and in the bedrooms, these cages of cobwebs
That spindle around the brain and riddle the soul
are asking for a name, an unticked box.
like chickenpox. It’s itchy, so scratch it
An unhinged door on a latch and an unlit match and they’re
Waiting. What are you so afraid of?

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